How do I arrange a conference with a teacher? When requested, the counselor will arrange a conference with parents and all teachers. If the parent would like to meet with individual teachers, please call the front office (951-5706) and leave a message for that teacher. Email is also an excellent way to communicate with the teachers.
How are schedule changes made? Because student/parent involvement is extensive during program planning, there should be very few requests for schedule changes. Only urgent and legitimate requests will be honored and must be submitted within the first eight (8) days of a semester block course, and fifteen (15) days in a year-long course. Requests are reviewed and processed as quickly as possible. Schedule changes following that time period will be limited to cases with extenuating circumstances at the principal's discretion.
How are level changes made? Level changes may be made up to three days after issuance of the first nine weeks report card. These changes will only be granted if there is room available in the requested course level. Level changes following that time period will be limited to cases with extenuating circumstances at the principal's discretion.
What about dropping a course? If a student drops a course after fifteen (15) days of membership in a year-long course, the grade will be recorded as a “WF” (computed as an “F” for GPA) for the year in which the course is dropped. For year-long courses, levels in a subject may be changed up to three (3) days after the issuance of the first nine-weeks’ report. Exceptions to this provision may be granted by the principal in cases of extenuating circumstances.
If a student drops a course after eight (8) days of membership in a semester block course, the grade shall be recorded as a “WF” (computed as an “F” for GPA) for the term in which the course is dropped. For semester block courses, levels in a subject may be changed up to three (3) days after the issuance of the first progress report (four and one-half weeks into the term.) Exceptions to this provision may be granted by the principal in cases of extenuating circumstances.
For any course requiring an End of Course SOL Test, students shall not be permitted to drop the course after the established drop/add windows specified above. In cases of extenuating circumstances, a student may complete the “SOL EOC Student Schedule Change Request” form and submit it to the principal for approval. In order for the schedule change to be processed, the submitted form must be complete in all respects by: (i) describing the extenuating circumstances; (ii) providing documentation to support the reasons for the late request; and (iii) containing all required signatures.
May students take college courses that are not offered at BHS? Students are not allowed to enroll in a college course unless they have exhausted all course offerings in the appropriate department, have met necessary requirements for college admission, and have received approval from the principal. Student must fill out a External Course Form, available in Guidance.
How can I request a transcript? Transcript request forms are available online and in our Guidance office for underclassmen or former students. The form can be faxed (540-951-5778) or e-mailed to the Registrar, Mrs. Wright ([email protected]). Please allow at least at least a week for processing.
Do you give the SAT's or ACT's at BHS?No. The SAT and ACT are given at outside locations. Please see registration information at www.collegeboard.com for more detailed information.
Can Guidance assist me in resolving incorrect grades, rescheduling exams or other classroom information?Issues regarding grading, exams, extra credit or other classroom information must be handled with the individual teacher. Please call the front office (951-5706) and leave a message for the teacher, or contact them via email. Teachers email addresses can be found here.
How do I request work when my student will be out of school? In the event that your student will be out for sickness, please refer to Google classroom. For assistance for assignments not posted to Google classroom, Carolyn Noble can assist in Guidance.
How do I request that my child be put on homebound? Homebound applications are available from the Guidance Office Secretary. Forms must then be submitted directly to the School Board Office.
How do I request records that are older than 5 years old? Please contact Renee Manning at 540-382-5100 ext. 1023 or [email protected].
Who is responsible for...? The Guidance Department is happy to assist you in any way possible. However, responsibilities are divided among various departments and individual sponsors throughout the building.